The Daily Star!
Yes, sure there are art magazines and art shows that are also important at the long, lonely artist's journey of becoming famous and...

Thank you, Bild, for sharing my art with your readers :*

The Act of Man in Leipzig
Let me proudly present my first realization in public space - the bronze version of "Act of Man". Thanks to my dearest gallerist Dirk...

Interview for Právo newspapers with Jan Šída
Thanks to Jan Šída for a nice meeting at the roof of the Dancing House for a coffee and this interesting interview!!

10 Must-Know Contemporary Czech Artists via The Culture Trip
Thanks, Culture Trip, for putting me into this selection! It is obliging ,-).

Vice review by Jan Gemrot
Thanks to Jan Gemrot for such a nice article in Vice magazine, it's really nice to read so positive reaction from artist I sincerely...

Interview in BleskProŽeny.cz
Thanks to Gabriela Röhrichová for a great interview at this magazine :) !